Tuesday, September 9, 2014

How close are we getting to the daily sacrifice that the prophet Daniel talks about that will start Daniel's seventieth week?  Here's something taken off the Internet that's a clue to how close we really are.

Article March 2013

Israel’s Veterinary Services will not authorize the planned public ritual sacrifice of a goat in honor of Passover this year, Veterinary Services representative Zohar Dvorkin said Thursday.

Jewish groups dedicated to the Temple Mount and Temple renewal are planning the sacrifice as a reminder of what Passover looked like in Temple times. The ritual slaughter is to take place in Jerusalem, in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood opposite the Temple Mount.
The organizations planning the sacrifice were unpleasantly surprised at the Veterinary Services’ response. The Veterinary Services has authorized previous sacrifices in honor of Passover, including one held in Jerusalem last year.

“After preventing us from fulfilling the mitzvah [commandment] of the Passover sacrifice in its proper place, in violation of the law and of a Supreme Court ruling, now the authorities are plotting to stop us from even learning about the way the mitzvah is to be performed,” they accused.

“This stands in contrast to the approach to events surrounding the Muslim sacrifice holiday [Eid ul-Adha], during which thousands of sheep and cattle are sacrificed freely in Jerusalem and across the country,” they added.

Organizers said that the sacrifice would take place as planned on the Thursday before Passover with or without government approval.

In the meantime, they plan to file a lawsuit asking that the Veterinary Services be forced to authorize the event, “a tradition that has been ongoing for several years.”

 Jewish groups held a mock Passover sacrifice on Thursday opposite the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The ritual slaughter was not merely a historic reenactment, but, they say, practice in advance of the reconstruction of the Temple.

The practice sacrifice has been held annually for the past several years. This year organizers were unpleasantly surprised by a veto from Israel’s Veterinary Services, which refused to authorize the event.

Organizers took the matter to court, and were able to quickly get a ruling permitting the ritual.

The various groups involved in the event were represented by Rabbi Yehuda Glick, who told Arutz Sheva that the ritual was carried out with as much Biblical accuracy as possible.
“We took the goat, as the Torah commands, we had an altar built like the real one, and a cooking pit built according to halacha [Jewish law],” he said. “We slaughtered the goat with Leviim singing and priestly clothing, just like in the real Passover sacrifice.”

Leviim are Jews belonging to the Biblical tribe of Levi, whose members took part in Temple services.

The ritual was emotionally moving, Rabbi Glick reported. “The symbolism of standing opposite the Temple Mount and preparing for the real Passover sacrifice – it was without doubt a special moment,” he said.

Dennis Callen:  Once they start the daily sacrifices the prophetic clock starts of Daniel's seventieth week.  Then we only have 1,010 days before the antichrist is revealed by setting up the abomination that makes desolate.  That's found in Daniel 8:13-14 = 2,300 days minus Daniel 12:11 = 1,290 day leaves 1,010 from the start of the daily sacrifice to the start of the tribulation.  That's when the tribulation starts according to Jesus Matthew 24:21 and Mark 13:19.  We are getting close.

Read the full story in the book "They're Coming...Before the Rapture" at Createspace.com/4938124 type in the password fallenangels.  It will take you to the purchase page.  Upon checkout, type in the discount code: FKFG7M49 to get a $3.00 discount.  Then let me hear from you in the comments section.  

How close are we getting to the daily sacrifice that the prophet Daniel talks about that will start Daniel's seventieth week?  Here's something taken off the Internet that's a clue to how close we really are.

Article March 2013

Israel’s Veterinary Services will not authorize the planned public ritual sacrifice of a goat in honor of Passover this year, Veterinary Services representative Zohar Dvorkin said Thursday.

Jewish groups dedicated to the Temple Mount and Temple renewal are planning the sacrifice as a reminder of what Passover looked like in Temple times. The ritual slaughter is to take place in Jerusalem, in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood opposite the Temple Mount.
The organizations planning the sacrifice were unpleasantly surprised at the Veterinary Services’ response. The Veterinary Services has authorized previous sacrifices in honor of Passover, including one held in Jerusalem last year.

“After preventing us from fulfilling the mitzvah [commandment] of the Passover sacrifice in its proper place, in violation of the law and of a Supreme Court ruling, now the authorities are plotting to stop us from even learning about the way the mitzvah is to be performed,” they accused.

“This stands in contrast to the approach to events surrounding the Muslim sacrifice holiday [Eid ul-Adha], during which thousands of sheep and cattle are sacrificed freely in Jerusalem and across the country,” they added.

Organizers said that the sacrifice would take place as planned on the Thursday before Passover with or without government approval.

In the meantime, they plan to file a lawsuit asking that the Veterinary Services be forced to authorize the event, “a tradition that has been ongoing for several years.”

 Jewish groups held a mock Passover sacrifice on Thursday opposite the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The ritual slaughter was not merely a historic reenactment, but, they say, practice in advance of the reconstruction of the Temple.

The practice sacrifice has been held annually for the past several years. This year organizers were unpleasantly surprised by a veto from Israel’s Veterinary Services, which refused to authorize the event.

Organizers took the matter to court, and were able to quickly get a ruling permitting the ritual.

The various groups involved in the event were represented by Rabbi Yehuda Glick, who told Arutz Sheva that the ritual was carried out with as much Biblical accuracy as possible.
“We took the goat, as the Torah commands, we had an altar built like the real one, and a cooking pit built according to halacha [Jewish law],” he said. “We slaughtered the goat with Leviim singing and priestly clothing, just like in the real Passover sacrifice.”

Leviim are Jews belonging to the Biblical tribe of Levi, whose members took part in Temple services.

The ritual was emotionally moving, Rabbi Glick reported. “The symbolism of standing opposite the Temple Mount and preparing for the real Passover sacrifice – it was without doubt a special moment,” he said.

Dennis Callen:  Once they start the daily sacrifices the prophetic clock starts of Daniel's seventieth week.  Then we only have 1,010 days before the antichrist is revealed by setting up the abomination that makes desolate.  That's found in Daniel 8:13-14 = 2,300 days minus Daniel 12:11 = 1,290 day leaves 1,010 from the start of the daily sacrifice to the start of the tribulation.  That's when the tribulation starts according to Jesus Matthew 24:21 and Mark 13:19.  We are getting close.

Read the full story in the book "They're Coming...Before the Rapture" at Createspace.com/4938124 type in the password fallenangels.  It will take you to the purchase page.  Upon checkout, type in the discount code: FKFG7M49 to get a $3.00 discount.  Then let me hear from you in the comments section.  

Monday, September 8, 2014

The most important words you will ever hear!

I was praying about what topic to teach on from time to time.  There are three subjects on  my heart that I would like to share with you.  One relates to feeling good about yourself without any condemnation.  The second one is bible guidelines on correct interpretation of bible prophecy and all other scripture.  The third is end-time prophecy and how it relates to our lives today.  So, this week I will start off with being kind to yourself. 

The most important words ever spoken to you did not come from your parents, siblings, teachers, classmates or anyone else.  The most important words you will ever hear come from your own mouth.  What you say to yourself and think about yourself sets the course for your future.

Medical science tells us that the thalamus gland controls all the other glands in the body.  If you are afraid, the thalamus gland notifies the your body to release adrenalin to give you extra strength to face a fearful situation.  Too much adrenalin produced from traumatic situations can effect the health of you body.  When your body produces serotonin you feel happy and peaceful about life

Medical science also tells us that the thalamus gland will respond to a voice command, but only a command from your voice!  Therefore, what you say to yourself about yourself can cause healing or sickness.  Your words will make you happy and feel good about yourself and life or they can make life sad, boring, and hardly worth living.  

Here's a testimony from my book entitled, "Do You Believe You Deserve To Be Happy?"

             What if, as a kid, you were told by either parents or other kids in school, things like: “you’re stupid, you’ll never amount to anything,” “you can’t do that,” “you’re just a kid, what do you know,” or “you don’t have the brains God gave a louse.”  How do you think that would affect your performance in life as you became an adult?  I think you’re seeing what a problem this could be, aren’t you?
I have a friend name Tom who loves to play golf.  He’s in his sixties.  He and his friends play for a little money to make the game more challenging.  Tom is so good, he wins quite often.  One day he was the leading scorer until the last hole.  He messed up on the 18th hole so bad that he lost the game.  When he got alone in the car on the way home he began to vent his anger.  He would yell and swear at himself for missing out on the $100 winner’s prize.  Guess what he did the next time he played golf?  He was starting to win, but messed up on the last four holes.  He lost again.  I asked him, “If you were teaching someone to play golf and yelled at them like that when they messed up, what kind of golfer would they become?”  He said, “They would never become a good golfer.  They would not have any confidence because I would have destroyed all of it.”  I said, “You will always mess up because you’re too hard on yourself.  You have become your own worst enemy.  Your words are very harsh when you speak to yourself.  In James 1:26 it says if a person does not bridle his tongue he will deceive his own heart.  Subconsciously you will sabotage your own efforts to succeed.

I encouraged Tom to talk to himself just like he would a talented pro.  “Tom,” I said, “Talk to yourself and say something like, ‘Well, you had a bad day today, everybody has one of those from time to time.  But, you know you are better than that.  Your past performance demonstrates the talent you truly have.  Just don’t be discouraged and lose your focus.  The next time you’ll be relaxed and beat everybody.’ ” 

 I’ve been a spiritual mentor to Tom for many years, so he respected me enough to follow my advice.  The very next week he played his best game.  He won three awards ($$) that day.  The first award was for winning the game.  The second award ($$) was for having the lowest score of the day.  And the third award ($$) was for hitting a hole-in-one.

 The Golf Club had a monthly newsletter.  They not only printed the results of his remarkable game, but they also mentioned how he used to be an alcoholic with a bad temper.  Now they reported his testimony of becoming a Christian, and that the change was evident.  He was ecstatic to say the least.

 You have to forgive yourself and encourage yourself or you will continue to dislike yourself or even worse, hate yourself!” 

 We are always quick to criticize ourselves when we make a mistake, but do you ever praise yourself when you do well?  You probably don’t.  You’ve might have been told that would be pride.  Of course, that would depend on your motive.  If you are bragging, it would be pride.  However, if you are alone and are just encouraging yourself, that would be wisdom.  Feeling good about yourself is not pride.  In Samuel 30:6 it says that King David encouraged himself in the Lord.  He became self-motivated.  That is how you build confidence. This is a very attractive quality in any person.  People feel safe around someone who displays self-confidence.

Be the best friend you ever had.  If you loose that friendship, you will need to do everything within your power to get it back.  Learn to forgive yourself.  If you don't have a good relationship with yourself, all the bible reading, motivational speakers, or best sermons cannot help you receive anything good in life.  You are the apple of God's eye.  He does not condemn you.  Self-love is not only critical, but completely necessary for a happy well-balance life.

(This book is available on Amazon.com in e-book form.  Soon to be in print.)